Gli olandesi stanno mettendo a disposizione alcuni posti (20 ed eventuali no show) su un ponte aereo Cusco-Lima-Amsterdam la prossima settimana. I costi sono 179$ Cusco-Lima e 900€ Lima-Amsterdam.
(1) il pacchetto è unico: non si può scendere a Lima ma si va diretti ad Amsterdam;
(2) ad Amsterdam dovete trovare una connessione per l'Italia.
Molti Paesi UE sono interessati. Si va sul first come first served con scadenza domani. Chi di voi ritiene di voler partire mi scriva in privato su entro le ore 23:59 di oggi indicando i dati del passaporto.
Seguono i dettagli che chiedo di leggere attentamente. Grazie.
Connecting flight Cusco-Lima, Wednesday morning 8 April
Around 20 places available for EU+citizens. All these passengers must also make use of connecting flight to Amsterdam, since they are not allowed to leave the military airport in Lima.
Charter flight by Viva Air. Departure from Cusco at 10:30 hrsM arrival in Lima at 12:12 hrs.
Ticket costs USD 179. Payment must be done by debit or credit card, to Viva Air. Payment in cash or at the airport is not possible.
Price includes one piece of hand luggage (max 12 kilo) and one piece of hold luggage (max 20 kilo)
There will be no "meal service" on board because of the current circumstances.
Passengers should arrive at the airport at 6:30 hrs.
It is the responsability of each of your embassies to issue a "salvoconducto" for your own nationals, for the trip from their hotel to Cusco airport.
Flight Lima-Amsterdam, Wednesday 8 April, 14;30 hrs
Around 60 places avaible for EU+citizens
KL0748 8-apr Lima 14:30 21:30 AMS
Ticket costs EUR 900. Payment can be done from European bank account, for now signature of I.O.U, guarantee letter is sufficient.
It is an official government flight (executed by KLM) so unfortunately KLM/AF tickets are not valid for this flight.
There is no requiment to show a booking of an onward flight from Amsterdam to the final destination; the Netherlands still allows entry yo all EU/Schengen/UK citizens as well as their (non EU+) families (i.e. children and partner, if married or with civil parnership).
We will submit your sheet list with names to the KLM/AF office. KLM/AF will then issue e-ticket and send these by mail to all EU+ passengers
There will be no "meal service" on board because of the current circumstances.
Dogs are allowed.
Assembly point: Parque Salazar, al Larcomar shopping centre (Malecon coast boulevard), Miraflores, at 8:30 hrs. From there with buses to the military airport.
It is advisable for all passengers to reserve a taxi to the assembly point at least a day before departure.
It es the responsability of each of your embassies to issue a "salvaconducto" for your own nationals, for the trip from their hotel to the assembly point.